How does Typecraft work?
The process of Typecraft is complex and it changes according to the craft and the material. Each craft has a certain visual lexicon that must be deciphered and then transformed to the language of, and follow the rules of, type design but at the same time be in sync with the contraints of the craft and material.
The goal is to get craftswomen to think independently and without much instruction initially and then to facilitate them where necessary. Sometimes it is very challenging for the artisans to think independently and/or the craft/material is restrictive —in which case, the design team has to intervene. The amount of interference varies from project to project.
Typecraft uses design and technology as a catalyst to transform a craft to create functional and non-decorative products, such as typefaces and educational applications. It extends the value and meaning of the craft as the font made from a craft doesn't become an end in itself — but a start of a new creation,an active tool and an enabler.
The advantage about this sort of methodology is that we can be material and geography agnostic. Our methodologies can be scaled up to any craft anywhere in the country (and the world).
Typecraft isn't just about the creation of letters and a typeface, moreover, it is about imparting a way of thinking and exposing craftswomen to rethink of their crafts and motifs and patterns anew, by applying them to letters — something that is alien to their iconography and craft lexicon. When encountered to work in an independent way and out of the context they are so familiar in working, they begin to think as authors and designers.
How does Typecraft work?
The process of Typecraft is complex and it changes according to the craft and the material. Each craft has a certain visual lexicon that must be deciphered and then transformed to the language of, and follow the rules of, type design but at the same time be in sync with the contraints of the craft and material.
The goal is to get craftswomen to think independently and without much instruction initially and then to facilitate them where necessary. Sometimes it is very challenging for the artisans to think independently and/or the craft/material is restrictive —in which case, the design team has to intervene.
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Make this yours. Add images, text and links, or connect data from your collection.

Make this yours. Add images, text and links, or connect data from your collection.